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1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Killerverce 2. Age:18 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): 7-8 hours 5. How long have you been in Minetown: Since 2013 6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes , I got in a argument with a female on the server. I was banned. 8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): Yes , I've been a server Co-owner before , so I basicly already know many of the commands and rules 9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Always 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I think I'll make a good moderator. Here's why, first off when it comes down to grammar, I have that down pat. I can help solve difficult situations at times, and help take stress off some of our staff. I will work as a team, and give my full cooperation to anyone who needs assistance. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: No.
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Sorry, if I sounded a little rude, I didn't graduate with my brother yesterday and I was suspose too, so I was a little impatient and irritated already, so does this mean I'm unbanned? Or is it for good? And I didn't mean to criticize anyone, you guys did what you were suspose to do. I understand.
over 8 years ago
IGN: Killerverce Banned for so called reason - Xraying Banned By: Doesn't show their name First of all, I had no idea what xraying was, I have many years built into minetown, I so happend to join a friends property and I have an old HP laptop so my game is kinda of slow/ buggy half the time when I join all I see is black and white , its why I have go relog, constantly, I was banned for just being Lucky. Digging straight down and so happen falling into a Zombie Spawner, I then pointed this out to RubberChicken, and was like I found a zombie spawner. Then out of no where, someone swung the ban hammer at me. You guys need to stop with the criticism, your losing good members without even investigating first . If it turns out I don't get unbanned, all I can say is I wish my luck didn't turn out the way it did, and for no reason, all I can do is wish mine town( the only server I ever played on) a blessed day, and carry on with life , and for all of you mods , I understand why you would think I was so called xraying, I would be a little curious too. Lol, I hope and wish you guys the best in your future. But if I do get unbanned all of this will be forgotten like it never happened, and I will make sure not to dig straight down anymore, I didn't know that was a rule, but seeing that you gave (Mega) another chance the first time and he actually was xraying, I don't see why I can't be ubanned, and given another chance for not even xraying, I don't usually bring other things up, but eh, I got to use whatever leverage I have to get back to my favorite server, (Minetown) Not trying to start any further conflict on mine town. Thank you -Killerverce
over 8 years ago
I've been banned for over a year now, for some drama that happend a while back, anyways. I'd like to return to Minetown, as I have spent most of my time on minecraft at minetown, helping other players, and building up my houses etc. I have invested hours and days, into Minetown, I'd like to return, Thank you. I was Banned By Kal Reason: Drama (NO LONGER A PROBLEM)
over 8 years ago